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Property Video Service

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Meet Our Team

Adam Black

Adam Black Web Developer

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Alex Maple

Alex Maple Web Developer

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Jonathan Tiney

Jonathan Tiney Web Developer

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Milan Lesichkov

Milan Lesichkov Web Developer

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Darren Charsley

Darren Charsley Designer

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Andy Thomas

Andy Thomas Product Owner

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Setting up the perfect WFH space

Setting up the perfect WFH space

Mansons Social Mansons 28th August 2020


Setting up the perfect WFH space

Even though many businesses are reintroducing time in the office, for some WFH has now become a standard part in work life. Below we share our top tips on creating a working environment at home that helps you thrive.


Choose a dedicated work area.

As tempting as it might be to work in bed or on the sofa, it’s important to create boundaries and avoid working in spaces that are associated with leisure time. Dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work.


Lighting is key.

Make sure you have adequate lighting where you are working, especially if you’ll be looking at a screen all day. Ideally, sit near a window to take advantage of natural light, but if that’s not possible, soft lighting is easy on the eyes.


Finding a quiet place.

While some people need some background noise to work, others find any noises at all disturbing. If you need quiet to work effectively, make sure that your workspace doesn’t coincide with anyone’s leisure space. Or, at the very least, choose a room with a door.


Declutter your space.

It will seem pretty obvious that swimming through piles of papers and pens will delay your progress. While sticky notes can be a helpful tool, extra books, piles of paper, or cups of lukewarm coffee will definitely distract you and impact your productivity and concentration. Your desk doesn’t need to be empty, but giving yourself space to work allows you to have space to think as well.